Moral clarity matters.

At the Center for Values in International Development (C4V) we

line drawing of a person climbing a sequence of columns to reach a flag


Elevate the awareness, understanding, and essential role of a values-based discourse in international relief & development

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Integrate ethics pragmatically to inform all aspects of relief & development activities

line drawing of a hand holding a megaphone


Advocate for the regular use of applied ethics to yield more just, caring, equitable, and sustainable development outcomes and processes

Our Vision

C4V envisions a global movement towards respect for universal human dignity, under which ethics holds a pragmatic and influential role.

Our Mission

Centering values in international relief & development.

C4V is redefining the current relief & development paradigm so that ethics takes a front-seat. C4V applies moral considerations and ethical analyses to achieve more just, caring, equitable, and sustainable processes and outcomes. C4V works with governments, multilateral and bilateral aid agencies, foundations, and development practitioners to incorporate ethics into all aspects of their activities to foster human flourishing and a healthy environment.


By admin | May 19, 2020

But whereas in 1988 a million dead Africans was a figure that could still shock, today the two million southern Sudanese corpses have been submerged by a tidal wave of death that has washed over Africa in the aftermath of the cold war and the dissolution of the post-colonial states. A million dead in Somalia; […]


By admin | May 19, 2020

…in a society in which the people have a sense of individual human rights and the state recognizes and respects those rights, a particular self-consciousness will develop; the ego will grow in a certain direction. One feels special not because one has what others lack, or has a rank higher than others, but because one […]


By admin | May 19, 2020

Human beings are such that they cannot live and make a world without a continuous flow of evaluation, moral and otherwise. George Kateb, Human Dignity (2011)


By admin | May 19, 2020

Money spent to meet crisis situations or short-term political objectives while helping to maintain national integrity and independence has rarely moved the recipient nation toward greater economic stability. President John F. Kennedy; from Special Message to the Congress on Foreign Aid (March 22,1961)


By admin | May 19, 2020

There is no escaping our obligations: our moral obligations as a wise leader and good neighbor in the interdependent community of free nations – our economic obligations as the wealthiest people in a world of largely poor people, as a nation no longer dependent upon the loans from abroad that once helped us develop our […]


By admin | May 19, 2020

All over the world people are struggling for lives that are worthy of their human dignity. Martha C. Nussbaum; Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach (2013) Economic growth, while a part of wise public policy, is just a part, and a mere instrument at that. It is people who matter ultimately; profits are only instrumental […]

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By Chloe Schwenke, PhD (President) | April 12, 2020

Some tears were not meant to be repressed. In describing the email messages she’d been receiving, she may not have wanted her loss of composure to become the video image being broadcast to the small and scattered universe of our local Quaker community, each at their respective homes behind their Zoom monitors, atomized but oddly […]

The Center for Values in International Development
1919 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 425
Washington, DC 20006

Registered as a nonprofit organization in the District of Columbia, USA, and tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.